The cloud eases growing pains for companies

The cloud eases growing pains for companies
You often hear and see it amongst entrepreneurs: their company is growing (too) fast, which means that not everything runs smoothly, in many areas. Fortunately, we can reassure you because with our full cloud solution you avoid many of these growing pains. The case of our customer Brioval is a good example, which we are happy to share with you.
About Brioval
Brioval is a construction company that specializes in heating, plumbing, electricity, ventilation and renewable energy for new constructions and renovation projects. They are based in Uccle and have roughly 40 employees.
Brioval has been on a strong growth trajectory for several years. To continue to meet the increasing demand for technical solutions, it invested in its team, but also in its ICT environment.
Easing growing pains
Elio, manager of Brioval: “During the corona crisis, we received many assignments for ventilation projects. Rapidly rising energy prices also means that there is a high demand for renewable energy solutions such as heating pumps, solar panels, and home batteries.”
“A company that is growing is also rapidly confronted with growing pains. If you are well organized in the field of ICT, you can limit those growing pains. K-Force has ensured that we are also ready for the future in that area.”
Brioval already switched to our cloud environment in 2017. This has given them a flexible and safe tailor-made solution for some time now.
Why did they choose the cloud?
Gert, account manager at K-Force: “In general, scalability, flexibility, 24/7 availability and having a point of contact are of great importance for an SME. Thanks to this solution, the customer’s data is hosted in two Tier 3+ data centers in Belgium. This is a level of security that most companies cannot fund on their own, but thanks to this solution, based on shared resources (but strictly private environments), funding is no longer an issue.
Elio: “We chose the cloud platform because we think it is important that our data is kept safe, that we save time and that we can work remotely. The best example is the corona crisis. We were perfectly able to continue working on our company and continue to send out quotes. All employees whose function allows teleworking were therefore able to continue their job from home without any interruption.”
A cloud solution is ideal for growth companies, among others, because it offers the possibility to expand very quickly.
Gert: “Brioval started with only a few employees with a need to access the cloud. This number has now grown to 13. Their environment has therefore grown with them. Brioval’s customer service also carries out evening and weekend interventions in the event of urgent breakdowns. That is why the 24/7 uptime guarantees are of course very important. Thanks to the cloud platform, which includes all necessary hardware, including updates and maintenance, they can fully focus on their customer service.”
Interested in heating, plumbing, electricity, ventilation or renewable energy solutions delivered by a reliable partner with a focus on service and after-sales service? Take a look at their website
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