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K-Force was recognized by Proximus as IT Partner of the Year 2021! With this award, Proximus reaffirms its confidence in our company as a reliable and competent partner for SMEs. Read more

Phishing attempts are increasingly being made via SMS. A good example of this are the messages you receive on behalf of Itsme asking to reactivate your account. If your bank's app is linked to Itsme, you give the hacker access to your account. Itsme does not send text messages. So being alert is and remains the message! Read more

K-Force donated iMacs to vzw Levenslust

K-Force donated two Apple iMacs
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K-Force donated iMacs to vzw Levenslust

K-Force donated these iMacs to Soroptomist International Club Beersel for the vzw Levenslust – MFC. 🖥️

Levenslust is an organization for young people with a mild mental disability and/or behavioral and/or emotional disorders. Partly because of this gift, they can now follow their online classes and take online exams.

🔎 More information can be found on their website.